Apie vieną Vilniaus gyventoją

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Litnetas gan entuziastingai priėmė šią žinią ir puolė žvalgytis įvairių įdomybių. Aš irgi padariau keletą skrynšotų ir įdėjau į savo 7’ą KPŠ’ą.

Ten užfiksuotas vienas Vilniaus gyventojas. Žmogus, kuris nuolat vaikščiojo apsigaubęs galvą paltu – kaip koks Conrholio:

Žmogus su švarku ant galvos.
Žmogus su švarku ant galvos.

Neseniai 15min buvo toks pranešimas apie auto įvykį. Žmonės kalba, kad tas žuvęs asmuo ir yra šis pėsčiasis.

Šiandien važiuodamas Šeškinės kalnu mačiau, kaip darbininkai rinko visokias plokštes ir krovė į krovininį automobilį iš tos vietos, kur žmonės sako, jog gyveno šis žmogus.

Panašu, kad tai jis.

Man šis žmogus buvo mano Vilniaus, sudedamoji dalis. Man Vilnius, tai Šeškinės kalnas, Pedagoškės tiltas ir Lvovo gatvė. Šiomis gatvėmis vaikštinėjantį, retkarčiais plojantį katučių pravažiuojantiems automobiliams matydavau ir jį. Aš keletą kartų su juo prasilenkiau ir tik post factum sugalvodavau, kad visai norėčiau jį užkalbinti, bet nelabai drįsdavau apsisukti ir šūktelėti “sveiki! kaip sekasi?” ar panašiai.

O gyvenimas eina. Googlas kada nors vėl atsiųs savo automobilius, kad atnaujintų savo StreetView – ten šio žmogaus nebebus.



P.S. Bevažiuodamas Šeškinės kalnu šiandien klausiau štai šio kūrinio:

Laiškas Europos parlamentarams apie Ukrainą

Einate, paspaudžiate kam siunčiate, užrašote vardą/pavardę/emeilą ir siunčiate:


Kartojat kitam gavėjui.

Kol atsibos.

P.S. Tekstą galite redaguoti. Čia jums pora greitosiomis suruoštų zagatovkių:


I <Vardas Pavardė> apply to you. To parliamentarian of Europe. To your conciseness.

Please hear Ukraine. Please hear people of Ukraine.

Ukrainian people being murdered by criminals.

Ukrainian people need help!


Please read this. This is how Ukrainian people struggle for their freedom.

Translation from one of the Maidan activists Yulia Babich letter:

Just a few words, since now it’s not FB I care most about…
But I cannot keep silent about the fact, that I live among the most wonderful people in the Universe…
Yesterday they took me away from the Maidan… Nobody listened to my „I won‘t go“…  they cursed me a great deal and pushed out of the burning Trade Union House…
In the nick of time…
When leaving, a grenade had exploded nearly in a meter from me…

During those minutes I did realize what are friends for. They don’t have to be near at all times, but they always are when there’s a need…

No, I didn’t run away from the Maidan…
I dragged against his will a wounded soldier to a hospital…
Despite two wounds and almost 40 degrees (104 Fahrenheit) fever and barely able to stand, he still wanted to stay and resist…
Almost black from soot, in a armor vest, with a helmet…
He wasn’t afraid, he simply could not care less…

Rail car… Free of charge…
Clean, well-groomed people entered the car together with us…
I didn’t expect such reaction…
Someone suggested to soldier to bend his head, so nobody would see his black face…
Someone just positioned himself to cover him from unnecessary eyes…
Someone came and said “thanks”… And helped to cross the street…

Friends of friends took us in, I’ve never seen them before in my life, and I never felt safer…

And, it’s been a day, since we are staying with them… At a very small apartment…
They will have to clean their bath from our soot for a long time, but they don’t complain…
They don’t complain that the whole place reeks of medicines…

While today a doctor… one of the best in his field… called in to check the wounded…
And refused to accept a single penny… He just asked: will we manage, will we survive…
“But of course”, said my fighter…
While I just hugged the old doctor. He went through Afghanistan, Chechnya, now he goes through Ukraine…

PS. Our fighter is much better. Tomorrow I’m going to Maidan…


I am Lithuanian. We are one of the youngest members of EU.

We fought for that right >20 years ago! We won!

People are fighting in Ukraine for their freedom now! That happens here – in Europe!

People are murdered in Ukraine!

Please do something to stop the massacre!

People are shot by a snipers and machine guns:



These, who been shot, who are with home-made shields, in improvised formations, armed only with a sticks and with the faith for freedom are regular Ukrainian people:

Translation from one of the Maidan activists Yulia Babich letter:

Just a few words, since now it’s not FB I care most about…
But I cannot keep silent about the fact, that I live among the most wonderful people in the Universe…
Yesterday they took me away from the Maidan… Nobody listened to my „I won‘t go“…  they cursed me a great deal and pushed out of the burning Trade Union House…
In the nick of time…
When leaving, a grenade had exploded nearly in a meter from me…

During those minutes I did realize what are friends for. They don’t have to be near at all times, but they always are when there’s a need…

No, I didn’t run away from the Maidan…
I dragged against his will a wounded soldier to a hospital…
Despite two wounds and almost 40 degrees (104 Fahrenheit) fever and barely able to stand, he still wanted to stay and resist…
Almost black from soot, in a armor vest, with a helmet…
He wasn’t afraid, he simply could not care less…

Rail car… Free of charge…
Clean, well-groomed people entered the car together with us…
I didn’t expect such reaction…
Someone suggested to soldier to bend his head, so nobody would see his black face…
Someone just positioned himself to cover him from unnecessary eyes…
Someone came and said “thanks”… And helped to cross the street…

Friends of friends took us in, I’ve never seen them before in my life, and I never felt safer…

And, it’s been a day, since we are staying with them… At a very small apartment…
They will have to clean their bath from our soot for a long time, but they don’t complain…
They don’t complain that the whole place reeks of medicines…

While today a doctor… one of the best in his field… called in to check the wounded…
And refused to accept a single penny… He just asked: will we manage, will we survive…
“But of course”, said my fighter…
While I just hugged the old doctor. He went through Afghanistan, Chechnya, now he goes through Ukraine…

PS. Our fighter is much better. Tomorrow I’m going to Maidan…





Kruvini įvykiai Ukrainoje

Vakar prasidėjo Kijevo nepriklausomybės aikštės (arba “Майдан Незалежности“) šturmas.

Janushesku nutarė žudyti žmones masiškai. Panašu, kad yra įspraustas į kampą.

Visą naktį tęsėsi kruvini susidūrimai, gaisrai. Sužeista tūkstančiai žmonių.

Tai yra tėvas ir sūnus vakar vakare.
Tai yra tėvas ir sūnus vakar vakare. Содель Влад nuotrauka.
“Друзья, на вот этих фотографиях преподаватель ФТИ, доктор технических наук, профессор, член НАН Украины, старший научный сотрудник Кузнецов Михаил Юрьевич. И судя по всему его сын.”
Atkreipkite dėmesį į moters striukę. Šviežia, šio ryto nuotrauka..
Atkreipkite dėmesį į moters striukę. Šviežia, šio ryto nuotrauka.

Mes galime padėti Ukrainos žmonėms.

Galime padėti labai paprastai: pasidalinkite šiuo youtube video įrašu:

Taip pat galite paaukoti Ukrainos laisvės kovotojams. Padėkime jiems! Parodykime, kad jie ne vieni!

Revolution in Ukraine as Public Relations activity

Today is the day when Lithuania declared act of independence on 1918. We’ve lost our independence to Soviet Union, but we took it back on 1990. We have two independence day celebrations now. Both of these are very important to Lithuanians.
Ukraine’s people struggle for a freedom is also very important to us. That’s why I’m writing this.
Famous Lithuanian publicist Andrius Uzkalnis have a radio show in so called “News radio” (“Žinių radijas”- they have very funny jingle). The name of the show is “Thanks for coming“.
It’s in Lithuanian. There is a very small amount of people who can speak Lithuanian comparing to people, who can speak (or read) in English. So that’s not a good thing in that perspective (that this show is in Lithuanian). We need as much more people to see and understand what is happening in Ukraine (since few months already) as possible.
Mykolas and Andrius touched Ukraine’s problem in very interesting and I think in very important ways in this show. And you should know that!
Migle Anusauskaite graph, which shows how much cheese is left.
Migle Anusauskaite graph, which shows how much cheese is left.
But u no understand Lithuanian? That’s where I came in and made kind of transcript of this in English. My good not English is. But I tried. I didn’t took any serious studies of English language. I’ve learned it from TV and Internet somehow.  And it is your bad, if you won’t understand much from all this tl;dr.
Anyways, I hope you’d enjoy that.

Andrius Uzkalnis (AU): Revolution in Ukraine. Each revolution –  it’s not only barricades and stuff, but also very complicated and effort demanding PR activity.
Goals are achievable not only by using weapons and physical force. Public and World’s opinion are also very powerful influencers.

Ukrainian revolution as a product for consumer:  is it successful or not?
One of the best PR specialists in Lithuania: Mykolas Katkus (MK). He knows that reality has often one path, the other one could be taken by visuals or texts.

What if Ukrainian opposition would try to sell revolution as a product, and they would ask you for advice, but they would buy only one. What it would be?

MK: there are two kinds of revolutions: first – these which are led by Robespierre and second – these which are led by Gandhi.

Gandhi way. Picture taken from Wikipedia
Gandhi way. Picture taken from Wikipedia
Robespierre way. Picture taken from Wikipedia.
Robespierre way. Picture taken from Wikipedia.

Gandhi revolution is much better choice. Because Robespierre way, is the way, where heads fly off. And we do see opposition, which wants to sell Gandhi revolution, sometimes (like in all revolutions) takes Robespierre path (the proof of this is information, which we do get from Ukraine). Anyways, in general, revolution  (at least in the West) looks rather good than bad. Of course, that picture is totally different in the region, which is controlled by Ukraine’s east neighbor

AU: Talking about image: Molotov cocktails – these doesn’t grace the revolution from the PR perspective, isn’t?

MK: of course it doesn’t. Everyone likes Gandhi revolution (or Landsbergis revolution: peoples hand-in-hand singing and waving flags and etc.). When everyone waits for the tanks with joined hands, and these tanks turns a side. These stories  are miracles and these are truly beautiful.
Nothing is easy in Ukraine. This revolution is not the first one there. And all these Molotov cocktails, which flew the world in eye-blink (even bottles with etiquettes from Lithuanian bear)…

AU: “Kanapinis” (“Cannabis” in Lithuanian)!

Taken from: http://www.demotix.com
Taken from: http://www.demotix.com
Taken from demotyvacija.lt
Taken from demotyvacija.lt

MK: Yes, “Kanapinis” – this I call successful product placement!
However this is not the most beautiful picture (Molotov cocktails). But in other hand, West do understand that it’s about people with naked hands, which goes against fierce regime. And as soon as we won’t see militioniers on the Lynch, as soon it would look quite good.

AU: Let’s look from other side. What you would say if Putin would come to you asking to settle Maidan (if you’d decide to sell your soul to the dark side), to put Ukraine on her knees against Russia’s side and do it in such a way, that all the world would see Russia as a good hero.

MK: Vladimir Vladimirovich has better experience in dark propaganda ways than me much-much more times. And all Russia’s propaganda…
My most favorite book was Tolkien’s “The Lord of the rings” – it is a story about hard choices, where you should take bad or good side. The other good gifted writer Nick Perumov wrote kind of extension of this story, kind of different way of story – in more dark and bad ways. It is called “Ring of darkness”, where he converted all simple “The Lord of the rings” storyline (what is good and what is bad, who wins, who loses) into something different. It did it in different way: “what if good is not good but more like evil?”; “what if evil is not so evil?”.

Picture taken from cheezburger.com
Picture taken from cheezburger.com

This kind of relativity is distinctive to Russia creativity. Distinctive to mature post Soviet period. And Russians do this very job well. Fantastically well. So the Russia’s propaganda now tries to convert Ukraine’s kind of simple narrative (good against evil) into something different. It converts it into: “Who’s Klitschko?”, “what wants some of Ukraine’s opposition?” “who are banderovcy?”, “where they came from?”, “what masons, Jews, Lithuanians, Chechens does there?”. Or into something similar. These small details, which doesn’t change the picture much (even if they would appear to be true) often turns into big things – into opinion makers, which Russia people believes. Russia media succeeds to convince all these simple-minded peoples in the entire world – especially these, which lives in Russia.

AU: then Russia tries to sell this, very popular, product: theory of conspiracy? Theory, that nothing is so simple: this is not just some Ukrainians, who wants to go to Europe and do whatever they want in whatever the way they want to; and that’s not just about that they do not want to go to former Soviet’s Customs Union. Everything is complicated here: jews, Lithuanians with “Kanapinis” bear, banderovcy… Let‘s remind who’s „banderovcy“.

MK: Please you do explain*

* – banderovcy is the term, which describes “to much Ukrainian” point of view of someone, who been called like that. Anyway, the meaning of this term is very complicated and used very much in all kinds of propaganda as a negative one.

AU: Maybe we are talking about those, who opposed to Soviet government…

MK: and then Russia’s propaganda called them as “Bandits”, quite similarly as they did with our Lithuanian partisans. They were called “bandits” in the same way as banderovcy been called “bandits”. Highlighting their existing or not existing connections with totalitarian regimes from other countries.

AU: and of course, they’ve been paid by someone else.

MK: yes

AU: In general, it is very important who paid who for Russia’s propaganda. Isn’t?

MK: Andrius, the question: “why Russia mastered that kind of propaganda?” comes from the fact, that they do have a country, where everybody trusts no one. The biggest miracle in Ukraine’s revolution is that people (also these, who came into streets) do not trust their government (which they did elected) the most comparing to all post-Soviet countries, that I had a chance to visit.

AU: more than in Lithuania?

MK: I think that the fact, that we did elected (I mean the part of Lithuanian voters who voted for him) A. Valinskas* just because we wanted to curse the existing government in the worst way we could think of shows quite well what we do think abou it. In Ukraine this urge of cursing is even bigger. They tend to see some oligarch’s actions behind every step Ukrainian government take. And any citizen’s free will (will to do something on his own without any kind of financial reward) was doubted.

* – some Lithuanian show-men
Picture taken from www.airpano.com
Picture taken from www.airpano.com

So the fact that middle class in Ukraine found motivation to change this thinking  and come to the streets, and show that they do really care (regardless to who are in the opposition) was a surprise for everyone. It seems like they do care and and do have some principles. The idea, that government may do something horrible is acceptable only until Ukraine is not pushed backwards into Russia’s hands, kind of new Soviet union, into the symbol of worse living. It is even feasible to accept some kind of governmental corruption, until there is a hope to achieve something, until government does at least something reasonably rightful.
And this resignation from EU, for the bigger part of Ukrainian middle class, become as a kick, which forced to go to the streets and stand for  the future of their children and for themselves.
Russia’s propaganda doesn’t accept this kind of people’s aspiration to the good side. It does accept only interests and money.

AU: if someone come somewhere, than someone paid them.

MK: Yes.

AU: … or someone would be paid in the nearest future…

MK: or fascists.  There are also fascists.

AU: Yeah, fascists. If we’d talk about Russia’s propaganda, which we do see now, I was impressed by my recent readings on Russians blogs: nothing was changed since Sąjūdis* times , when assault of Lithuanian TV tower been organized by Nevzorov. The same thing: there are gunmans, which was specially trained by special forces, paid by special forces money and instructors all came from Washington.

*- this is Lithuanian opposition to Soviet Union, which won Lithuania a freedom in 1989-1991

MK: from Washington, yes. And from Vilnius.

AU: From Vilnius also now. Maybe that means that we are by one step higher now? They mention Vilnius when they do talk about that – that’s because why. They talk about us as a specialists, which are in one row with these Jews, masons and all others, who fights against Russia’s interests.

Picture taken from www.sodahead.com
Picture taken from www.sodahead.com

MK: Russians always needed good, easy and quality enemies, especially during the last decade. Like Georgia, or Chechnya, which could be defeated easily. Baltic States became very good enemy quite successfully – the enemy Russia needed so much.  And from my recent experiences, Lithuania is the best! Lithuanians, how to say, is not like enemies-enemies (like Germans or British, or Americans), but Lithuanians are traitors. We’ve been like same kind, from the same tribe. We’ve been like a friends and now Lithuania is on another path than mother Russia and now we are traitors. For Russians who has more imperialistic or chauvinists viewpoint, this demonization of Lithuanians is very successful and easy. This thought of Lithuanians as traitors is beaten into their heads. So we’ve been used very successfully as an example of West decadence symbol. Decadence West, who tears Ukraine and beautiful Russia into pieces. This believe – It’s very strong. And it’s kind of useful for us on the other hand: it’s not so easy to influence our politics just by saying, that we must reject EU values and show us as unique enemy for Russia at the same time (you do not tell what to do to your enemy). What’s more interesting is the fact, that Ukrainians are shown as enemies now in Russia’s media during this revolution. And it seems like that is the sign that Russians (Russia’s propaganda) is starting to prepare to what would happen if Ukrainians would truly take different path than big mother Russia wants.

AU: because there were thoughts before, that Ukraine is “we”, Ukraine is Russia…I am now taking Kremlin discourse. And there is no any other language, than russian. Unless there are some Ukrainians, who can fight against Russia, who are kind of separatists, which is kind of Ukrainians with anomaly.

MK: Yes.

AU: And now what? Russia have started to convince itself, that Ukraine can be a separate country?

 Picture taken from www.timetoast.com
Picture taken from www.timetoast.com

MK: You see, it became clear, that this discourse, this product placement (that they are same as we and they needs us) appears to be more dedicated for external consumption, when you talk about it more in details with Russians. It is similar to our pseudo nationalists (a bit fascists), who say that swastika is not German fascist symbol, but very old Lithuanian symbol and it has nothing to do with these bad fascists. But they do acknowledge, that swastika is very strong and good, and cute, and etc. symbol and Hitler did at least something right, when they gather inside their clubs. Same is with Russians – they do acknowledge, that they want to be world’s strongest power, that they want to rule all the World and the rule of Ukraine is very important part of this dream. But they do not want to send this exact message, when they do talk about that with outsiders. That’s why they tell them, that we’re just doing here something very little, they are our younger brothers, we just want to help them and etc.

AU: Revolution leaders. Former boxing champion as one of political leaders. That’s advantage or least bad thing, as there is no anyone other to choose from? Remember America: Arnold Schwarzenegger did washed his etiquette of former actor and fitness athlete very long and patiently, when he went to politics and started to rule California.

MK: He did it very well. He even won few terms of office in California.

AU: What picture of a political leader makes Klitschko as former boxing champion?

Picture taken from lenta-ua.net
Picture taken from lenta-ua.net

MK: Even closest Klitschko allies tells that he as a political leader needs more maturity and experience. In other hand, leaders learn very fast on barricades. And last Klitschko statements shows us, that he does his communication better and better. The fact, that Klitschko been raised in Ukraine politics even before revolution also indicates us the magnitude of peoples frustration about politics and their leaders in Ukraine.  We see that in Ukraine and we do see that in Lithuania.
The rise of Klitschko, how to say, is similar to sayings, which we did and do have in Lithuania. The sayings, that we must put Justinas Marcinkevičius* or Andrius Mamontovas**, or Arvydas Sabonis*** or any other famous character in society as a president.  Klitschko does match these Ukrainians values: he is true strong man, macho, he made his fortune with his fists, he won a lot of fights, he showed to the World the place of Ukraine in a boxing ring. He also have some inherent qualities, which are favorable in that perspective. It’s hard to say how he would succeed with this in Ukraine later on, but I already do not see Russia playing that card, which says, that he’s just a stupid boxer.

* – former poet. Dead now.
** – famous musician.
*** – former basketball athlete.

AU: You’ve mentioned barricades. Existing government and protesters (or these, who wants to be government) are in very unequal position, when you do think about revolution as a PR activity. Because one side – the government is sitting inside their boring cabinets with ties and suits and often are in defending position. They often need to tell why it is like it is and what to do so it won’t be worse and etc… The other side are on barricades. Military cars, fires – all these pictures are inspirational. Current government hasn’t inspirational pictures.

Taken from https://www.facebook.com/reportographers
Taken from https://www.facebook.com/reportographers

MK: Vytautas Landsbergis would have a lot stuff to advice for Ukrainian revolutionaries and he could also have something to advice for government. He did understood very well the force of symbols, when he were facing all these January’s activities, when Lithuania fought for it’s independence. What are symbols, how to take a stand, what to say, what to sing, what symbolic statements to make to the crowd, to the world and etc.
I do not think that government is in a bad position as a principle. Remember the “Yedinstvo” organized attack against supreme council during the Lithuania’s fights for freedom. It was a demonstration, rebellion against acting government. But our parliament didn’t made themselves as a party, who defends the existing status quo.
So, everything, in my opinion, depends on moral position, which been taken.  Which moral position you take, what interests, you fight for.
Ukraine’s second side, Yanukovych government is more like undecided, what moral position it has to take. They are very determined somewhere and they are doubtful somewhere else. They did some quite good moves also: head of Ministry of Energy convinced protesters to step back when they came, because heating services would be terminated in all Ukraine. That was one of the examples when protesters lost one of moral fights against government.
So, symbols are very important. Molotov cocktail is a strong symbol. Singing peoples are also strong symbol. Fires. Barricades, helmets. All this do create some kind of picture in all the world, and people, who watched that on their screens they can identify themselves as ones or anothers.

AU:  What wonders me, that governments do not understand what hole their ar sitting in when that kind of revolutions happens. We find that examples in all the world. Chauchesku (Romania) ¼ century ago in east Europe , Arabs spring… And all these governments, who been forced to leave had naive childish stubbornness. Like some kind of ostrich, which put his head under the sand, which do not want to see anything he doesn’t like. Why it happens? Isn’t there anyone who could advise them? Or they are just not listening? Why it is as it is?

Picture taken from michaelchinen.com
Picture taken from michaelchinen.com

MK: I happens in all kind of situations of all kinds of severity. It is very hard to assess the situation, when you are inside (it can be election headquarters, it could be a company, to which disaster strike in it’s business area). And it is even harder to come and advice for people from outside. And this crisis, which is happening in Ukraine now is a fundamental one, a very big one and no one saw it coming. If I remember well, it was an Ukrainian political analyst, who wrote an article one year ago, where he wrote, that this thing, like “orange revolution” cannot happen in Ukraine anymore, because people are disappointed with anyone in government. But it seems like it is happening now. It was very unexpected.
It is very… very hard to understand what’s happening around and take corresponding actions, when you’re inside. And I think that Yanukovych desperate actions, when he tries to save his face in the West and to control the revolution at the same time and all this dissatisfaction, makes his position as a looser one. Actually he can choose only from being cruel and bloody dictator (kind of Russian kind) either he would be needing to resign (in a worse or in a better way) and it seems like it is happening right now.

AU: this kind of cruel and bloody example more resembles not to Russia anymore but more to Syria or Yugoslavia kind.

Picture taken from descrier.co.uk
Picture taken from descrier.co.uk

MK: Syria’s example could be the most representative here. As there’s also ethnic  communities fight problems: Assad, as we know, is the member of one ethnic community, army is his ethnic community’s representatives also, rebels are members of other ethnic community. But we have even better example: peaceful demonstration which happened in Belarus maybe two years ago. I talk about jeans revolution. And Lukashenko disposed it in very fast and effective way. And his regime been conserved again for 3 or 4 years.

AU: so maybe Yanukovych also could deny to make fires or to protest if he could do that? There was an example of all kinds of prohibitions some time ago (to cover face, to go to demonstration and etc.). Nothing helped.

MK: The best answers been made by Russian analytics, angry Russian commentators, who told where and when problems could be solved (kind of captain Obvious advices), when and where the force was needed in order to solve the problem.

AU: How that could happened that Belarussian leader, much smaller country’s leader, who’s not assessed as very experienced PR specialist, but he managed to get himself better result. Better result, than much bigger country’s and much stronger (as it looks like) leader’s, PR specialist’s result? And he also did got this very strong Kremlin help…

Picture taken from topnews.in
Picture taken from topnews.in

MK: I think, that the person, who takes decision to drawn his own country in blood, requires not only good PR experience, but it needs, how to say, some different qualities. That’s why Yanukovich… In other hand Ukrainians are not Byelorussians, they are older and they has very clear identity, language, history, their banderovcy… That’s one thing. The other thing is that not every person even under pressure can trigger atomic bomb explosion or to ask Berkut to slaughter all these peoples, which he doesn’t like.

AU: Everyone can talk, but not everyone can trigger that button…

MK: and thanks God for that…

AU: Thanks God for that I guess… If we would take a look into that from our side, from Lithuania side. Lithuania and Ukraine, without any doubt, are note neighbour countries (we do not have mutual border), but this Ukrainian revolution is taken like it’s own thing in Lithuania .

MK: yes.

AU: Our media’s performance (we have no strong media, by the way, especially when we do talk about foreign events) is fantastic! Newspapers, portals, Television, reporters on site – you find quite deep and detailed analysis everywhere. Lithuanian politics, famous figures and etc. are also taking action – putting our flag into Maidan, commenting it, public acts as chains of people and etc. Does it help to Ukraine somehow? Or we’re doing that more for ourselves, so we could feel like we did everything we could?

Lithuanian journalist Dovydas Pancerovas. Picture taken from his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/dovydas.pancerovas.5
Lithuanian journalist Dovydas Pancerovas. Picture taken from his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/dovydas.pancerovas.5

MK: I think that it does help us a lot firstly. As every thing we’re doing here means, that we are getting a point into our allies (opposing Kremlin) account. And this is not strange that Ukrainian revolution is taking negatively by peoples, who fights against national Lithuania interests. Starting with energetics (shale gas), Gasprom monopoly and etc. All these people quite intensively retranslate Russia’s propaganda stamps. Anyways, these happenings in Ukrainiane does resemble to what we had 13 years ago in Lithuania. It mobilize people, who do understand, that they do not have much to choose from in the same way. It is easier to understand, that there’s just no any alternative to EU now. And that’s also a good thing, similarly to a good influence, which had “Orange revolution” also.

AU: If we’d remember our January 13th and our “Sajūdis” , for us, as much as I remember (I was quite young at that time) it seemed to be very important and very interesting to see what is the support from foreign countries. Every smallest statement, public action near Soviet consulate, or Lithuanian flag rised somewhere else, or any kind of concert in that theme was very very clearly described here for us and we did paid a very much attention to that. Is it the same for Ukrainians?

MK: I even do not doubt that. Please do understand, that Ukrainians been (and are) living halfway in the Russia’s information influence. Like same musicians, like they have similar speech,  like part of Ukrainians even speak only Russian. So when they see obvious lies… There is a good point made about news: media does cover everything very well, except that area, where you are a specialist. But when you do see obvious lies, obviously wrong reportage from Ukraine (which is now happening in Russia’s internal market) and when we do face the fact, that Ukraine is a big part of this Russia internal market.. It is obvious, that they want to get out of these lies somehow – that’s very natural and humane. And that fact that we do put fires and joining hands here in Lithuania and do support Ukrainians in this way, is also very important for Ukrainians. They want to understand that their fight has some meaning and future.

AU: Ukrainian revolution does develop very dynamically. And it really is in the first pages and in the first rows of news bulletins. Does anyone can take this position from her (Revolution)?

Picture taken from abclocal.go.com
Picture taken from abclocal.go.com

MK: of course. Bloody crackdown in Syria, bloody Assad’s crackdown – it felt out of first pages quite long time ago, regardless to the fact that there are quite much more victims, than in Ukraine. Same happened with Egypt movements after some time… And that would happen with Ukraine. And Kremlin (and Ukraine’s government) is also seeking for the ways to put Ukraine from the first pages somehow and reduce world’s pressure on them.
In other hand, when revolution doesn’t have distinctive leader, it finds her ways very hard.  Because someone should take decision and responsibility.

AU: Sochi Olympic games would happen. Who would suffer from what in the perspective of PR.

Picture taken from blogs.houstonpress.com
Picture taken from blogs.houstonpress.com

MK: Undoubtable, things that are happening in Ukraine has catastrophic meanings for Sochi Olympic games. It is neighbor country. It is also a country to which all this Sochi Olympic PR been oriented. I think that Sochi Olympic games won’t escape some Ukrainian accents. It can be a very big PR defeat, which is a very big of a concern for Putin at the moment, and which he tries to reduce as much as possible.

AU: so maybe he should show that Ukraine is not his concern at all?

MK: it is very hard to pretend that nothing happens, when it is the biggest Russia’s geopolitical event for time being. Especially when so much efforts been put to that (remember Lithuanian milk problems, when it was banned for Ukraine, just for to show, that EU cannot do anything about that). So I think it is impossible.

AU: something similar happened when Lithuania became part of NATO. There were a lot of money raised for that and it didn’t helped. Then they needed to cover that defeat somehow. And it was a very heavy defeat by the way.

MK: Putin hasn’t so much influence in Russia at that time – that was a good thing to us. Putinism as a doctrine wasn’t so strong at that time as it is now. And now they are much more creative, they took their lessons during “Orange Revolution”, they learned to use social network. They created this example of family, this narrative of what ideal family should look like and successfully exported it. Putinism been improved. And I think we would see some more colors here.

AU: your prognosis: how much time it would take for Ukraine’s revolution to win?

Picture is taken from commons.wikimedia.org
Picture is taken from commons.wikimedia.org

MK: It is hard to say if it would win or not yet. It is obvious, that Ukraine’s revolution has everything it needs, but one major  thing: it doesn’t have a leader. There is no any person, who been trusted by protesters, which would trust himself and his mission. There is no leader like it was Gandhi or Landsbergis or even like Julia Timoshenko and Yushchenko. Someone should take action, should it be Klitschko or Yatsenyuk. Someone should decide what to do. If this revolution would stay as it is now – without any shape, than it would transform into chronic stage and it would fall out from first pages. And it would be sooner or later extinguished.

AU: thank you for helping me to sell Ukrainian revolution.


Obuolių pyragas su varške

Tai bene vienas paprasčiausių ir skaniausių obuolių pyragų, kokių esu ragavęs. Taip pat sako ir Beata, nes pas ją radau šį receptą.

Beata sako, kad čia yra Vilmos geriausias obuolių pyragas su varške. Vilma, kaip supratau, yra Beatos draugė. Ir jos visos labai rūpinasi savo figūra.

Užtai šis pyragas neskirtas tiems, kurie rūpinasi savo figūra. Man atrodo, kad Beata sako, jog galima šį pyragą valgyti, kai lauke taip šalta. Kaip šalta? Ogi taip, kaip buvo, kai ji rašė tą straipsnį savo bloge. Dabar gi nėra labai šalta (+3 laipsniai pagal Celsijų).

Užtai pyragas ne blogesnis. Kaip ir ledai – jie ir žiemą tokie pat skanūs. Tik valgome juos mes dažniausiai namie, kur šilta, o ne lauke.

Visos tos figūros ir lauko temperatūros čia mažiau svarbios. Svarbiausia, kad šį pyragą paprasta gaminti ir jį labai mėgsta mūsų vaikai! Ir ne mažiau svarbu yra tai, kad pyrage daug varškės ir obuolių. O varškė ir obuoliai labai sveika augančiam organizmui.

Taigi štai:

Varškė (~500g) ir 4 kiaušiniai (varškės buvo daugiau, nei recepte) ir dar razinos (improvizacija).
Varškė (~500g) ir 4 kiaušiniai (varškės buvo daugiau, nei recepte) ir dar razinos (improvizacija).
Miltai cukrus ir sviestas. Sviesto 180 g (kaip recepte). Miltai ir cukrus iš akies.
Miltai cukrus ir sviestas. Sviesto 180 g (kaip recepte). Miltai ir cukrus iš akies.


Pirmas sluoksnis formoje
Pirmas sluoksnis formoje – miltai su cukrum ir sviestu
Antras sluoksnis - varškė su razinom ir kiaušiniais.
Antras sluoksnis – varškė su razinom ir kiaušiniais.


Trečias sluoksnis - obuoliai (tarkavau su tarka). Ten dar užbarsčiau miltus su cukrum ir sviestu per klaidą.
Trečias sluoksnis – obuoliai (tarkavau su tarka).
Ten dar užbarsčiau miltus su cukrum ir sviestu per klaidą.
Taigi reikėjo cinamono ir cukraus! Kadangi ne daug teužbėriau, tai nieko baisaus.
Taigi reikėjo cinamono ir cukraus! Kadangi nedaug teužbėriau tų trupinių, tai nieko baisaus.


Tai va dabar tik reikia dėti tuos miltus su cukrum ir sviestu!
Tai va dabar tik reikia dėti tuos miltus su cukrum ir sviestu!
Kepė ilgai. Nežinau kiek Belekiek. Bet ilgiau nei pusvalandį. Gal 40-50 minučių. 180 laipsnių pagal Celsijų įkaitintoje orkaitėje - kaip parašyta recepte.
Kepė ilgai. Nežinau kiek Belekiek. Bet ilgiau nei pusvalandį. Gal 40-50 minučių. 180 laipsnių pagal Celsijų įkaitintoje orkaitėje – kaip parašyta recepte.


Štai jis gražuolis atpjautas! Suvalgė po va tokį gabalą vaikai ir iškarto nuėjo miegoti :D
Štai jis gražuolis atpjautas!
Suvalgė po va tokį gabalą vaikai ir iškarto nuėjo miegoti 😀
Čia atpjautas kitu rakursu: žiūri piktas į mus ir kažko ironiškai klausia. Idant seilėtekis stipresnis būtų.
Čia atpjautas kitu rakursu: žiūri piktas į mus ir kažko ironiškai klausia. Idant seilėtekis stipresnis būtų.


Ukrainai reikia pagalbos!

Lietuvoje turėtum būti labai asocialus, kad nežinotum apie įvykius Ukrainoje. Šią “on-line” revoliuciją kiek galiu stebiu aš ir daugelis kitų protingų ir adekvačių žmonių.

Į Ukrainos valdžią atėję nusikaltėliai valdo šalį savo kriminalinėmis poniatkėmis. Žmonės išėjo protestuoti. Žmonės šąla ir protestuoja “Maidan’o” aikštėje jau keletą mėnesių. Juos kankina, žudo ir kitaip terorizuoja Janushesku.

Ukrainos laisvės kovotojams reikia pagalbos! Janushesku užvaldęs visą didžiąją Ukrainos žiniasklaidą, todėl reikia socialinės medijos pagalbos.

Čia yra kvadratinėmis raidėmis parašyta, jog tai yra “liaudies ligoninė”.

“Liaudies ligonine” tai vadinasi vien dėl to, kad ant žodžio “Maidan” stovi Janushesku filtras ir dėl jo gali puslapiuką uždaryti (neklauskite kaip – taip kalba žmonės Ukrainoje kovojantys dėl laisvės).

Reikia palaikinti ir pašarinti. Šiuo kanalu ta ligoninė renka savanorišką pagalbą (medikamentus ir panašius dalykus).

Ši ligoninė veikianti ir gelbsti gyvybes. O yra žmonių, norinčių padėti protestuotojams Ukrainoje, bet nežino kur tiksliai kreiptis ir kuo geriausia padėti. Per čia geriausia yra tai sužinoti ir aukoti.


Liaudies ligoninė
Liaudies ligoninė

Šokoladinis tortas

Būna tokių vakarų mums, kai kažko staiga užsimanome skanaus.

Iš pirmo žvilgsnio viskas atrodo labai paprasta – kažko nori skanaus, tai eini ir nusiperki. Bet ne. Nėra tai paprasta. Nepaprasta, nes neaišku ko norisi. Ar tai kokio pyraaaaago, ar tai kokio toooorto.

Tie kur šalia mūsų esančioje parduotuvėje, tai nelabai skanūs, o ir pasirinkimas labai prastas. Tikrai skanių pyragų ir tortų galima nusipirkti kokiose nors “Presto” ar “Krustum” ar panašiose vietose. Bet toli ir brungu.

Todėl nutarėme išsikepti tortą patys. Šiaip sau be progos, tiesiog kad skaniai suvalgytumėm.

Rado žmona internetuose štai šį šokoladinio torto su maskarponės kremu ir avietėmis receptą. REKOMENDUOJU! Labai skanus gavosi!

Labai griežtai laikėmės recepto. Tik nesu tikras ar naudojome tuos pačius miltus, mes šį kartą naudojome kepiniams skirtą mažo glitimo 405D miltus.
Labai griežtai laikėmės recepto. Tik nesu tikras ar naudojome tuos pačius miltus, mes šį kartą naudojome kepiniams skirtą mažo glitimo 405D miltus.

Biskvito tešlos gamyba man jau matyta. Labai panaši į keksų tešlą. Tai yra tą, kur reikia sviestuotą cukrų sujungti su kiaušiniais:

Kepėm irgi griežtai pagal receptą - 170 laipsnių pagal celsijų. Silikoninėje formoje. Tokioje rekomenduoju kepti ir jums, nes keksabiskvitas gaunasi lipnus.
Kepėm irgi griežtai pagal receptą – 170 laipsnių pagal celsijų. Silikoninėje formoje. Tokioje rekomenduoju kepti ir jums, nes keksabiskvitas gaunasi lipnus.
Na, o čia rezultatas. Neužteko to balto viskam padengti, o be to nebuvo ko ir stengtis, nes sau kepėm.
Na, o čia rezultatas. Neužteko to balto viskam padengti, o be to nebuvo ko ir stengtis, nes sau kepėm.
O čia atpjautas gabaliukas. Va čia visas grožis ir skanumas! Aviečių neturėjome, tad jų čia ir nėra. Truputį žmona įpylė raudonųjų serbentų sulčių - labai derėjo.
O čia atpjautas gabaliukas. Va čia visas grožis ir skanumas! Aviečių neturėjome, tad jų čia ir nėra. Truputį žmona įpylė raudonųjų serbentų sulčių – labai derėjo.




Už Ukrainą!

Šalto šeštadienio ryte dalyvavome akcijoje.

Gyva grandine stovėjome susikibę rankomis nuo Ukrainos ambasados iki Europos komisijos atstovybės Lietuvoje.

Buvo labai šalta. Vos kelis kadrus padariau ir vos vieną pafilmavimą. Labai sušalo ranka, o ir fotoaparato baterija nusėdo.

Nuotaika buvo pakili: žmonių susirinko pakankamai: tiek, kad gautųsi nepertraukiama žmonių grandinė.

Aš savaime prisiminiau Baltijos kelią – nors ten ir nebuvau, bet žmonės esantys šalia sakėsi, kad buvo.

We send this message to Ukrainian peoples – Lithuania supports you!

Слава Украине! Героям слава!

Gyvos grandinės žemėlapis.
Gyvos grandinės žemėlapis.
Žmonės susirinkę ~-20 laipsnių šaltyje palaiko Ukrainos žmones!
Žmonės susirinkę ~-20 laipsnių šaltyje palaiko Ukrainos žmones!
Palaikome Ukrainą!
Palaikome Ukrainą!
Liberalai ir ne tik
Liberalai ir ne tik
Gyva žmonių grandinė toli-toli!
Gyva žmonių grandinė toli-toli!
Žmonės ant kampo labai tinkami fotografuoti.  Su šiais žmonėmis rėkėme: Слава Украине! Героям слава!
Žmonės ant kampo labai tinkami fotografuoti.
Su šiais žmonėmis rėkėme: Слава Украине! Героям слава!
Na, ir dar šiek tiek žmonių ant kampo.
Na, ir dar šiek tiek žmonių ant kampo.


Sniegas girgžda, kai šalta

Nors KPŠ turėjo būti vakar, o ir yra kažko ką galima būtų parodyti, bet va nebuvo kada jo čia sudėti. Bet kitą savaitę jau gal ir pavyks.

Tai štai, nors KPŠ turėjo būti vakar, bet čia toks truputį KPŠ. Tai tiesiog mano žingsnių garsas einant į darbą. Kai lauke ~-20 laipsnių celsijaus, sniegas po mano batų padais labai garsiai girgžda.

O nuotraukoje matomas kažkoks patrakėlių tramplinas, kuris yra šalia Akropolio, tiksliau šalia nacionalinio Vilniaus stadiono:


P.S. Ir ateikite visi, kurie norite palaikyti Ukrainos žmones, prie Ukrainos ambasados rytoj ~11 val.

Vaikystės žaidimai

Čia neseniai pas Rokiškį dalinomės prisiminimais apie sovietmetį. Apie tualetinio popieriaus trūkumą ir kitas nesąmones (beje, nepamirškite ten prabalsuoti už prezidentą).

Savaime kažkaip prisiminiau vaikystę, kuri iki 11 metų kaip tik ir buvo sovietmetyje. Vaikystėje žaisdavome žaidimus. Pagalvojau, kad reikia apie tai parašyti. Juoba, kad kažkada žaidžiau su sūnumis paplūdimyje ir buvo puiki proga prisiminti vieną žaidimą, kurio tiksliai nepamenu, bet gal jūs padėsite?

Vienas iš “Tūkstančių”

Kažkuo tas žaidimas primena beisbolą.
Kažkuo tas žaidimas primena beisbolą.

Žaidimų pavadinimu “Tūkstantis” buvo ne vienas. Nesu tikras ar mano aprašomas žaidimas šitaip vadinosi:

  • Iškast reikia pailgą duobutę grunte (smėlyje, molyje, vejoje ar panašiai)
  • Apibrėžti gan didelį ratą aplink tą duobutę taip, kad ji atsidurtų centre
  • Tada skersai pailgos duobutės įdėti neilgą pagaliuką
  • Tada su ilgesniu pagaliu užkabinant už to trumpesnio, vedant per tą duobutę išmetamas trumpasis pagaliukas iš rato

Tą lekiantį pagaliuką gaudo oponentas. Jei pagauna – gauna kažkiek taškų. jei ne, tai negauna. Bet kuriuo atveju atsistojęs jis tada turi atsistoti toje vietoje kur nukrito (arba buvo pagautas) pagaliukas. To žaidėjo tikslas yra įmesti pagaliuką į ratą, o rate stovinčio žmogaus tikslas tą pagaliuką išmušti su turimu rankose pagaliu.

Jei pagaliukas atmušamas – tas kur už rato vėl stengiasi iš ten įmesti pagaliuką.

Ai dar buvo matuojama kiek žingsnių yra nuo nulėkusio pagaliuko iki rato… Kuo daugiau žingsnių, tuo daugiau taškų tam, kuris atmušė arba kuris įmetė.

Jei pagaliukas yra įmetamas į duobutę, tai tada pelnoma iškarto 1000 taškų. O gal mažiau. Nepamenu. Gal kas atsimenate tikslesnes taisykles?


Žaisdavome ir banalųjį kvadratą.
Žaisdavome ir banalųjį kvadratą.

Nesu tikras ar taip vadinosi tas žaidimas. Bet kažkas įžeidžiantis pavadinimas buvo – niekas nenorėjo būti tas žaidėjas su kamuoliu:

  • Vienas žaidėjas būna su kamuoliu
  • Kiti žaidėjai sugula ant nugaros pakalnėje (pas mus kieme kaip tik buvo puikus tam kalniukas)
  • Žaidėjas su kamuoliu stengdavosi pataikyti į bet kurį gulintį su kamuoliu.
  • Gulintys galėdavo kamuolį atmušti su kojomis – taip dažniausiai ir įvykdavo.
  • Kol kamuolio turėtojas bėga gaudyti atmušto kamuolio – visi gulintys gali atsistoti ir bėgti kur nori; bet vos tik kamuolys pagaunamas – visi turi sugulti.
  • Žaidėjas su kamuoliu negali judėti su kamuoliu – turi būtinai išmesti, o kol kamuolys ne rankose – visi sugulę gali bėgti.

Šiame žaidime gal irgi buvo kokia tai taškų sistema. Tik aš jos nepamenu.

“Vienas lietimas”

Čia dideli vyrai žaidžia vieną lietimą :D
Čia dideli vyrai žaidžia vieną lietimą 😀

Žaidimas su kamuoliu. Dar šitam žaidimui reikia vartų – gali būti su virpstais, o galima apsieiti ir su dviem mokyklinėm kuprinėm:

  • Vartuose vienas vartininkas, o kiti žaidėjai aplinkui
  • Aplinkui žaidžiantys žaidėjai kamuolį galėdavo liesti tik vieną kartą (nesu tikras ar ore galima buvo ir daugiau)
  • Aplinkui žaidžiančių žaidėjų tikslas pataikyti į vartus vienu tuo lietimu
  • Jei kuris nors žaidėjas pataiko už vartų – jis keičiasi su vartininku.
  • Vartininkas daro tiek pritūpimų, kiek įvarčių buvo gavęs.
  • Įvarčių arba taškų kiekis priklausydavo ir nuo to kokia kūno vieta buvo įmušama (galva buvo berods 5 taškai)
  • Jei žaidžiama su virpstais tai dar priklauso nuo to ar su virpstu buvo pelnytas įvartis (tada daugiau taškų) ir su kuriuo virpstu (viršutinis daugiau) arba jei pataikydavo į “deviatkę” (viršutinis vartų kampas) tai būdavo berods tie 9 taškai.


Daugelis lankų neturėdavo net tinklelio užuominos.  Kai kurie neturėjo ir lankų. Man pasisekė, nes tėvas padarė darbe (suvirino iš vielos), tai mes jį prieš žaidžiant užsidėdavome ant lentos, o pabaigę žaisti nusiimdavome.
Daugelis lankų neturėdavo net tinklelio užuominos.
Kai kurie neturėjo ir lankų. Man pasisekė, nes tėvas padarė darbe (suvirino iš vielos), tai mes jį prieš žaidžiant užsidėdavome ant lentos, o pabaigę žaisti nusiimdavome.

Na, šitas žaidimas itin paprastas ir visi jį turbūt iki šiol žino:

  • Žaidėjas meta į krepšį iš pasirinktos vietos
  • Jei pataiko – sekantis žaidėjas turi mesti iš tos pačios vietos, jei pataiko – ir kitas iš ten turi mesti (žaidėjų kiekis neribojamas principe);
  • Jei visi pataiko iš tos pozicijos, tai baudą gauna tas pirmasis įmetęs, arba baudą gauna tas, kuris nepataiko iš ten.
  • Ta vieta iš kurios visi buvo įmetę pavadinama susmirdusia ir iš ten mėtyti nebegalima.

Prizai arba baudos tame žaidime priklauso jau nuo fantazijos.

Dar yra kažkokia “baudų” variacija, kur mėtoma nesvarbu iš kur, tik mesti privaloma ore – t.y. pagauti ir mesti kamuolį galima tik ore. Įmetęs eina mesti nuo baudų linijos, kol padaroma klaida ir ten skaičiuojami taškai o ne baudos…


Irgi krepšinio žaidimas:

  • Metama nuo baudos linijos.
  • Nesvarbu nuo pataikymo, metęs žaidėjas turi pagauti kamuolį būtinai nuo žemės atšokusį vieną kartą (jei nepagauna – perleidžia eilę kitam žaidėjui);
  • Tada metama iš tos pozicijos, kurioje buvo pagautas kamuolys
  • Nesvarbu nuo pataikymo, metęs žaidėjas turi pagauti kamuolį būtinai neatšokusį nuo žemės (jei nepagauna – perleidžia eilę kitam žaidėjui)
  • Jei sumetami visi trys kartai – turi teisę kartoti, kol padarys klaidą.
  • Taškai skaičiuojami taip: už pirmą metimą 2 taškai, už antrą lyg ir 1, kaip ir už trečią… O gal visi vienodai skaičiuojami – nepamenu
  • Kai kurie sutarti taškų kiekiai dega. T.y. jeigu surenkamas tas taškų kiekis ir padaroma klaida (arba buvo neįmestas kuris nors serijos metimas ir negaunama teisė tęsti), tai visi taškai dega. Degdavo berdos 13, 21 ir 30.
  • Surinkti reikėdavo 33 taškus.

Na, o tada pritūpimai ir panašūs reikalai.

“Durnius” arba “šūdas”

Čia ne visai susijęs paveiksliukas, bet čia irgi gaudo ir gan stipriai :D
Čia ne visai susijęs paveiksliukas, bet čia irgi gaudo ir gan stipriai 😀

Dažniausiai žaisdavome mokykloje pertraukų metu:

  • Tas kas turi trintuką, tas yra “durnius” arba “šūdas”
  • Tas žaidėjas turi tikslą paversti “durniumi” arba “šūdu” kitą žaidėją, todėl laksto, gaudo juos po visą mokyklą ir stengiasi mesdamas pataikyti į jį trintuku.
  • Paprastai liudininkai aplinkui mato ką palietė trintukas.

Tai vienas ekstremalesnių žaidimų, nežiūrint į jo paprastumą. Azartas pagaudavo taip, kad buvo lakstoma nežiūrint nieko – laiptinėje peršokant ištisas laiptų eiles. Kai žaisdavome jau 11’ai ar net 12’ai tai dramblių bėgimo garsas būdavo įspūdingas ir šiurpindavo visus. Visos mokytojos ir vadovybė mokyklos stengėsi visaip užgniaužti šį žaidimą.


Kokius žaidimus žaisdavote (žaidžiate) jūs?

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